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Plots enrichment heatmaps from the output of signal2Matrix (i.e. an EnrichmentSE object or a list of signal matrices). This is a convenience wrapper around EnrichedHeatmap.


  trim = c(0.02, 0.98),
  assay = 1L,
  colors = NULL,
  scale_title = "density",
  column_title = NULL,
  multiScale = NULL,
  column_title_gp = gpar(fontsize = 11),
  row_order = NULL,
  cluster_rows = FALSE,
  row_split = NULL,
  axis_name = NULL,
  minRowVal = 0,
  scale_rows = FALSE,
  top_annotation = TRUE,
  left_annotation = NULL,
  right_annotation = NULL,
  mean_color = "red",
  mean_scale_side = NULL,
  mean_trim = TRUE,
  show_heatmap_legend = TRUE,
  use_raster = NULL,



A named matrix list as produced by signal2Matrix, or an `EnrichmentSE` object.


The quantile above which to trim values for the colorscale. If a numeric vector of length 2, will be used as lower and upper quantiles beyond which to trim.


Assay to use (ignored unless `ml` is an ESE object)


The heatmap colors to use, a vector of at least two colors between which to interpolate. Can also be a list of such color scales, with as many slots as there are tracks in `ml`. If a list of single colors, a color scale from white to that color will be used for each track. Defaults to the 'inferno' viridis palette.


The title of the scale. Ignored if `multiScale=TRUE`.


Logical; whether to use a different scale for each track. Defaults to TRUE is `colors` is a list, otherwise FALSE.


Graphic parameters of the column titles (see gpar)


Optional order of the rows.


Logical; whether to cluster rows. Alternatively, `cluster_rows="sort"` will sort rows using the angle on an MDS based on the enriched_score of the signals (can be very long to compute on large matrices). `cluster_rows=FALSE` (default) results in the traditional sorting by decreasing `enriched_score`.


Variable according to which the rows should be split. This should either be the name of a column of `rowData(ml)`, or a factor/ character vector of length equal to the number of regions in `ml`.


A vector of length 3 giving the labels to put respectively on the left, center and right of the x axis of each heatmap.


Minimum value a row should have to be included


Whether to scale rows, either FALSE (default), 'local' (scales each matrix separately) or 'global'.


Either a logical indicating whether or not to plot the summary profile at the top of each heatmap, a named list of parameters to be passed to `anno_enrich`, or a HeatmapAnnotation-class object that will be passed to EnrichedHeatmap. Additionally, if `ml` is a `ESE` object, `top_annotation` can be a vector of colData column names.


Passed to EnrichedHeatmap


Passed to EnrichedHeatmap


Color of the mean signal line in the top annotation. If `row_split` is used, `mean_color` can be a named vector indicating the colors for each cluster. Can also be a `gpar` object.


The side on which to show the y-axis scale of the mean plots. Either "both" (default), "left", "right", or "none".


Logical; whether to apply the trimming also to the mean plot.


Logical, whether to show the heatmap legend


Logical; whether to render the heatmap body as a raster image. Turned on by default if any of the matrix dimensions is greater than 1500.


Passed to EnrichedHeatmap


A HeatmapList object


When plotting large matrices, the heatmap body will be rasterized to keep its memory footprint decent. For this to work well, make sure the `magick` package is installed. Depending on your settings, if the heatmap is very big you might hit the preset limits of `magick` base rasterization, which could result in an error such as 'Image must have at least 1 frame to write a bitmap'. In such cases, you might have to degrade to a lower-quality rasterization using the additional arguments `raster_by_magick=FALSE, raster_device="CairoJPEG"` . Alternatively, the best solution is to increase the size and memory limits in the `policy.xml` configuration of the underlying (non-R) imagemagick library.


# we first load an example EnrichmentSE, as produced by signal2Matrix:

# we could also just plot one with:
# plotEnrichedHeatmaps(exampleESEm[,1])
# or change the aesthetics, e.g.:
plotEnrichedHeatmaps(exampleESE, trim=0.98, scale_title="RPKM", 
                     colors=c("white","darkred"), row_title="My regions")

# any argument accepted by `EnrichedHeatmap` (and hence by 
# `ComplexHeatmap::Heatmap`) can be used.