Creates a coverage bigwig file from a Tabix-indexed fragment file.
paired = TRUE,
binWidth = 20L,
extend = 0L,
scaling = TRUE,
type = c("full", "center", "start", "end", "ends"),
barcodes = NULL,
strand = c("*", "+", "-"),
shift = 0L,
log1p = FALSE,
exclude = NULL,
minFragLength = 1L,
maxFragLength = 5000L,
keepSeqLvls = NULL,
useScore = FALSE,
forceSeqlevelsStyle = NULL,
only = NULL,
format = "bed",
binSummarization = c("max", "min", "mean"),
verbose = TRUE
- tabixFile
The path to a tabix-indexed bam file, or a TabixFile object.
- output_bw
The path to the output bigwig file
- paired
Logical; whether the coordinates are that of fragments, as opposed to single-end reads where the only one end of the fragments is given. TRUE by default.
- binWidth
The window size. A lower value (min 1) means a higher resolution, but larger file size.
- scaling
Either TRUE (performs Count Per Million scaling), FALSE (no scaling), or a numeric value by which the signal will be divided. If `bgbam` is given and `scaling=TRUE`, the background will be scaled to the main signal.
- type
Type of the coverage to compile. Either full (full read/fragment), start (count read/fragment start locations), end, center, or 'ends' (both ends of the read/fragment).
- barcodes
An optional list of barcodes to use (assuming that the file contains the column)
- strand
Strand(s) to capture (any by default).
- shift
Shift (from 3' to 5') by which reads/fragments will be shifted. If `shift` is an integer vector of length 2, the first value will represent the shift for the positive strand, and the second for the negative strand.
- exclude
An optional GRanges of regions for which overlapping reads should be excluded.
- minFragLength
Minimum fragment length (ignored if `paired=FALSE`)
- maxFragLength
Maximum fragment length (ignored if `paired=FALSE`)
- keepSeqLvls
An optional vector of seqLevels (i.e. chromosomes) to include.
- useScore
Whether to use the score column (if any) as coverage weights.
- forceSeqlevelsStyle
If specified, forces the use of the specified seqlevel style for the output bigwig. Can take any value accepted by `seqlevelsStyle`.
- only
An optional GRanges of regions for which overlapping reads should be included. If set, all other reads are discarded.
- format
The format of the fragment file.
- binSummarization
The method to summarize nucleotides into each bin, either "max" (default), "min" or "mean".
- verbose
Logical; whether to print progress messages
The bigwig filepath. Alternatively, if `output_bw=NA_character_`, the coverage data is not written to file but returned.
# we first create a fake tabix file:
reads <- GRanges(rep(c("1","2"), c(5,2)),
IRanges(5000+10*1:7, width=100))
bedf <- tempfile(fileext=".bed")
rtracklayer::export.bed(reads, bedf)
bedf <- Rsamtools::bgzip(bedf)
Rsamtools::indexTabix(bedf, format="bed")
#> [1] "/tmp/Rtmp51bmUt/file16bd2b929504.bed.bgz.tbi"
# convert to bigwig
frag2bw(bedf, tempfile(fileext=".bw"))
#> Reading in signal...
#> Writing bigwig...