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A common quality metric for ATAC-seq data (see [definition]( ). The interpretation of the enrichment score depends on the annotation (the score tends to increase when only fewer, more common TSS are used), but according to ENCODE guidelines anything below 5 is of concerning quality, while a score >8 is ideal.


TSSenrichment(tracks, ensdb, useSeqLevels = NULL)



A (named) vector of paths to bigwig files.


An `ensembldb` object. Alternatively, a GRanges object of regions centered around TSS.


Optional seqlevels to use. If NULL, all are used.


A list with the slots `score` (numeric vector of TSS enrichment scores per sample) and `data` (per bin enrichment, for plotting)


# we first fetch the path to the example bigwig file:
bw <- system.file("extdata/", package="epiwraps")
## normally, we would load an ensembldb object using AnnotationHub. For the 
## purpose of this example, we'll pretend that the following set of regions
## represent TSS:
tss <- system.file("extdata/example_peaks.bed", package="epiwraps")
tss <- rtracklayer::import(tss)
en <- TSSenrichment(bw, tss)
#> Reading /home/runner/work/_temp/Library/epiwraps/extdata/
#> example_atac 
#>     4.187604 
## you can also plot using something like this:
## ggplot(en$data, aes(position, enrichment, colour=sample)) + geom_line()